At ReportAll, we design each of our parcel data products to provide the best possible user experience for a broad range of use cases. Even so, no application can serve everyone’s needs, and all applications are constrained in certain ways by the environment they’re run in. As a result, we often hear from users who want to use our parcel data in a more outside-the-box way, including integrating into their application. The ReportAll API provides an effective solution, offering ongoing access to our nationwide property database, and allowing you to enhance your application with rich parcel data from across the country. If you’re still deciding whether your application could benefit from the ReportAll API, read on to learn about its advantages, example uses in different industries, and exciting new features.
Advantages of the ReportAll API
Our national parcel database is a collection of data from over 3,000 individual counties that we collect, normalize and maintain – but that’s not the only reason our API is the perfect addition to any application.
Access to Nationwide Data in Real Time: The ReportAll API provides instant access to accurate and updated nationwide parcel data for over 150 million parcels across the U.S.
95% Coverage Across the US: We’re proud to provide parcel data attributes covering 95% of the U.S with comprehensive APN, owner name, site address mailing address, acreage data and more. Put us to the test and request our coverage spreadsheet or check out our county coverage map to see a list of current attributes available for each county.
Data is Maintained & Updated by ReportAll: Our data is maintained and updated on a regular basis: 70% of counties are updated every 6 months, another 20% are updated annually and fewer than 10% of our counties are more than a year old (as of August 2020). Leave the data maintenance to us – our promise to API users is to provide consistent access to the most current and comprehensive parcel polygon layer at all times. Also leave the infrastructure to us – unlike a nationwide data download approach which requires you to create & update your own database, when using our API there is no need for onsite infrastructure.
Easy Integration With Mapping Frameworks: Created with application development in mind, we’ve designed our API for a seamless integration process. Examples are provided for major mapping frameworks. Your development team can integrate the API into your application and be up and running in just a few hours.
Powerful Interoperability Support: A single ReportAll API account gives you access to both Tiled Map Service (TMS) parcel boundary overlay tiles, and vector geometry with attributes; both are available in standard and ArcGIS formats. See also below for information about new GeoJSON and MapBox Vector Tile support. Whether you’re looking to integrate parcel data into your web application, mobile app, or something else, the ReportAll API provides you with a variety of integration options, so you can choose the easiest and most effective one for your application environment.
API Documentation Provided on Website: No digging needed – our API documentation is directly accessible through our website. If you need anything additional our support team is here to help.
Access National Data Layer Starting as Low as $1,000: By providing a cost-effective prepay pricing model, users can purchase data in bulk at a discounted rate based on a predetermined volume amount. You will have one year from the date of purchase to use the purchased data, and new data may be purchased at any time.
FREE Trial for 30 Days: When you sign up for our free trial you will receive 1,000 free parcel transactions and 20,000 free tile transactions to use within the 30 day window.
ReportAll API users
The ReportAll API not only integrates seamlessly into any platform, but is ideal for a number of industries. See how the ReportAll API is being used by various applications for quick and comprehensive nationwide parcel data access.
Large scale green energy
From start to finish, large scale green energy projects benefit from the ReportAll API and parcel data capabilities. Wind and solar companies utilize the ReportAll API for early research in site development. Our parcel data is utilized in conjunction with power grid layers to identify target locations, which allows mapping/GIS departments to research and identify parcels by quantity of acres. From there, a green energy land department utilizes the parcel contact information to reach out to the land owner(s) to gauge interest and engage in a leasing agreement. Once the site is secured, the engineering group works on the design, including the research of any adjoining properties that will require access rights. Then the construction company works to bring the project to life.
Insurance companies utilize the ReportAll API to help with risk assessment support. Parcel data assists in property scoring based on natural disaster risks by overlaying concurrent natural hazard layers (winds, storm surge, floods, forest fires, etc.). The ReportAll API converts an address into the shape of the property polygon, where insurance companies then determine the property's proximity to any of the potential risks in order to complete their assessment.
Mobile apps
The ReportAll API can be integrated into mobile apps to show land ownership data that has been adapted to various industries, such as recreational or professional land use. For example, outdoor hunting or fishing applications can integrate the ReportAll API to access real-time location-based user data and contact information. The API allows your application to visualize property boundaries and land ownership information in the palm of your hand.
ReportAll API updates
We’re excited to announce new enhancements to the ReportAll API. The updates will provide additional user transparency and streamline the API’s capabilities.
GeoJSON output support
To increase compatibility and ease of use with application integration, the ReportAll API now supports the GeoJSON format for output. For more information and examples of how to retrieve API query results in this format, see the GeoJSON section of our API documentation.
MapBox vector tiles (MVT) support
For better integration with modern interactive mapping frameworks, the ReportAll API now supports MapBox Vector Tile (MVT) output. The Vector Tile format contains richer information than its raster tile alternatives, including both vector geometry and parcel attribute information. This allows you to make – and even change, dynamically - all symbology choices in your application, including labeling, parcel boundary (line) style, parcel (polygon) fill, and even attribute-dependent symbology. Vector Tiles are available as a Tiled Map Service (TMS), and so requested with X, Y, and Z parameters, much like their raster tile counterparts. For more information and examples, see the Vector Tiles section of our documentation.
Coming soon: Self-service dashboard
While you have always been able to sign up for an API trial and monitor quota on our website, until recently it has not been possible to perform additional API functions online. With the upcoming addition of the new ReportAll API Self-Service Dashboard, you can now also transition from a trial to a production account and buy additional transactions (quota), while monitoring your use and purchase history from one integrated interface.
Want to try out the ReportAll API to see if it meets your application’s needs? We’re offering a FREE, no risk, 30-day trial to see first-hand how the ReportAll API can provide seamless access to our nationwide parcel database. Try it today!