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  • Parcel Data to Fit Your Needs

    Leverage our national parcel database for more informed decision making in your industry. Whether it's an on-site, location-based mobile app, an online search by specific criteria, or a parcel data layer API in your own GIS application, you will find our up-to-date, instant access, 24/7 parcel data fits your needs.
    • Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
    • CSV
    • Google Earth KMZ/KML
    • Esri Shapefile

    Sustainable Energy

    Parcel boundary and parcel ownership data - in the office or in the field.

    Sustainable Energy

    Large scale solar and wind energy projects, such as wind and solar farms, have been rapidly expanding throughout the U.S. as the focus on sustainable energy increases. Both wind and solar large scale projects require the developers to identify areas of large acreage to develop enough energy to generate the sustainable energy required to finance the project.

    Solar energy development projects estimate 6 to 7 acres of land is needed for each megawatt of solar installed, meaning a 5 megawatt project would require 60 to 70 acres. For wind power projects spacing between wind turbines for optimal power generation will vary by location. Wind energy experts have stated that 60 acres per megawatt is an average for wind farms on land.

    As a result, solar and wind energy developers need up-to-date parcel data including property lines, boundaries, acreage and land owner information to identify large acreage parcels. Once the areas are identified, land owner name and mailing addresses can be used to contact farmers and other landowners to obtain the rights to use their land for generating solar or wind power.

    ReportAll delivers site selection solutions to the sustainable energy sector, including wind energy and solar energy developers, by offering low cost, instant access parcel data downloads, available 24/7, with property parcel coverage of over 98.0% of the population in the United States. Our parcel shapefiles include property lines and available property attributes for over 158.9 million parcels.

    Sustainable Energy: Parcel Data for Site Selection

    ReportAll Online: The advanced search feature of ReportAll Online enables solar and wind energy developers to identify prime areas for site selection by searching with the acreage criteria. Once the solar energy or wind energy developer has identified the sites that meet their acreage criteria in a chosen state or county, they can immediately download the data from our data store.

    Data Store: Solar farm site selection and wind farm site selection is made easier with the date from the ReportAll Data Store. Parcel data, including property lines, acreage, land owner name and mailing address can be downloaded from the data store by state, county or multiple counties. Instant GIS parcel data downloads are available in Excel, Google Earth KML/KMZ and shapefile formats for easy integration into any GIS or data analysis software.

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