Property line maps and parcel boundaries for timber harvest planning
GIS property line maps: the Forest is online
GPS and GIS location data and the forest
Timber as an industry touches our daily lives in ways we don’t consider. Our homes, our furniture, the paper we use and the packaging that makes worldwide shipping possible all rely on the intelligent, scientific management of our forests.
The days of indiscriminate timbering are long gone, thankfully replaced with harvesting plans with long time horizons, based on gps and gis data.
Parcel data and property mapping in timber harvest planning
Few industries regularly work far off the beaten path as often as timbering. Identifying property boundaries in remote areas is challenging. While a boundary survey may be necessary prior to actual forest harvesting, initial planning both in the office and in the field is now possible through a combination of GPS, GIS data and property boundary and ownership data overlays.
Forestry and Timber GIS tools: Property ownership and parcel maps
Identifying access roads, easements and protected areas early in the lumber harvest planning process can greatly reduce the time involved. Property boundaries and ownership data overlaid on desired areas makes the process of identification and contact much more efficient. In many areas, it’s possible for a timber professional to be in the field and have access to this information in real-time.
Nationwide property data online
PARLAY 2.0: When timber professionals need property lines and parcel data as a Google Earth layer they choose ReportAll’s PARLAY 2.0. With over 158.9 million parcel polygons interacting within Google Earth, over 30 million building footprints, one-click direct access to assessor or taxing authority online records by clicking on the parcel ID Number where available and up-to-date coverage for over 145.2 million properties, PARLAY 2.0 is the smart choice for forest products professionals.
ReportAll Online: The basic and advanced search tools available to access the most comprehensive and up-to-date nationwide parcel database enables timber professionals to pull up data by searching with specific criteria such as Parcel ID, address, owner name, acreage, land use and more.
LandGlide: Timber professionals use our on-site property line mobile application available on the Apple App Store and Google Play that pulls up parcel boundaries and property data including ownership, zoning and usage. LandGlide supports your cellular data access so you can search parcel records in the field with property boundary overlays.