Berkshire County
Parcel Data
Price: $200.00

Last Updated:
Parcels in County:
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Key attribute coverage for Berkshire County
The percentage of Berkshire County parcels containing the following key attributes:
Owner: 99%
Parcel Number: 99%
Acreage (Calculated): 100%
Site Address: 99%
Mailing Address: 98.9%
All available attributes in Berkshire County
Parcel Number
Site Address
Transfer Date
Sale Price
Building Size
Land Use Code
Land Use Class
Acreage (calculated)
School District
Zip Code
Flood Zone
Flood Zone Subtype
Census Tract
Census Block Group
Census Block
Total Market Value
Land Market Value
Building Market Value
Story Height
Mail Address1
Mail Address3
Year Built
Total Rooms
Addr Sec Unit Num
Place Gnis Code
Land Cover
Owner Occupied
Robust Id
Usps Residential
Crop Cover
Acreage Adjacent With Sameowner
Municipalities Respresented in Berkshire County
New Ashford Town: 197
Alford Town: 534
Cheshire Town: 1,743
Egremont Town: 1,288
Hinsdale Town: 1,561
Lanesborough Town: 2,076
Lee Town: 3,129
Lenox Town: 2,971
Monterey Town: 1,313
Mount Washington Town: 294
New Marlborough Town: 1,938
North Adams City: 5,413
Stockbridge Town: 1,987
Washington Town: 619
West Stockbridge Town: 1,167
Adams Town: 3,699
Becket Town: 4,109
Clarksburg Town: 868
Dalton Town: 2,786
Florida Town: 714
Great Barrington Town: 4,191
Hancock Town: 1,005
Otis Town: 3,077
Peru Town: 808
Pittsfield City: 18,273
Richmond Town: 1,268
Sandisfield Town: 1,294
Savoy Town: 591
Sheffield Town: 2,878
Tyringham Town: 570
Williamstown Town: 3,079
Windsor Town: 875
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