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  • ReportAll Standard API Data Dictionary

    Note: The parcel schema below is for the output of our Standard API. For our ArcGIS API, see our ArcGIS API Data Dictionary.

    Version ("v" parameter): 4 5 6 7 8 9
    Field Name Description
    parcel_id Parcel Identification Number (PIN) / Assessor's Parcel Number (APN)
    county_id County FIPS Identifier
    cty_row_id Row order number of parcel record within its county. Not durable or globally unique; for that see robust_id.
    county_name County Name
    muni_name Municipality Name
    census_place Census Place Name
    state_abbr State Abbreviation
    county_link County Link
    address Physical/Site Address
    addr_number Physical/Site House Number
    addr_street_prefix Physical/Site Street Prefix
    addr_street_name Physical/Site Street Name
    addr_street_suffix Physical/Site Street Suffix
    addr_street_type Physical/Site Street Type
    addr_city Physical/Site City
    addr_zip Physical/Site Zip Code
    addr_zipplusfour Physical/Site Zip+4 Code Part
    census_zip Census Zip Code
    owner Owner Name
    mail_name Mailing Name
    mail_address1 Mailing Address first line, often House number Street name Street type or PO Box
    mail_address2 Mailing Address second line, often Suite number, Building number, or other mailing information
    mail_address3 Mailing Address third line, often City, State, and Zip
    trans_date Most Recent Transfer (Sale) Date
    sale_price Sale Price
    mkt_val_land Land Market Value
    mkt_val_bldg Improvement Market Value
    mkt_val_tot Total Market Value
    bldg_sqft Building / Home area in square feet
    year_built Year Built
    ngh_code Neighborhood Code
    land_use_code Land Use Code
    land_use_class Derived Land Use Class ('Residential', 'Agricultural', 'Commercial', 'Tax Exempt', 'Industrial', or 'Mineral')
    story_height Story Height
    muni_id Census municipality ID number
    school_district School District
    acreage Deeded acreage from source
    acreage_calc Acreage calculated from area of geometry
    latitude Latitude of a point within the parcel
    longitude Longitude of a point within the parcel
    acreage_adjacent_with_sameowner Calculated acreage of this and nearby parcels having the same owner
    census_block Census Block
    census_tract Census Tract
    owner_occupied Owner Occupied
    robust_id Property record identifier likely to remain consistent across updates, particularly if a property's parcel_id is unchanged and distinct within its county.
    usps_residential USPS 'Residential' or 'Commercial' classification.
    elevation Elevation of property, in feet
    buildings Num Buildings
    legal_desc1 Legal Description 1
    legal_desc2 Legal Description 2
    legal_desc3 Legal Description 3
    last_updated YYYY-QQ Year and quarter the data was last updated
    mail_recipient Mailing Address Recipient
    mail_uspsbox Mailing Address USPS Box
    mail_addressnumber Mailing Address Street Number
    mail_streetnamepre Mailing Address Street Name Prefix
    mail_streetname Mailing Address Street Name
    mail_streetnameposttype Mailing Address Street Name Post Type
    mail_streetnamepostdirectional Mailing Address Street Name Post Directional
    mail_subaddressoccupancy Mailing Address Subaddress Occupancy
    mail_placename Mailing Address Place Name
    mail_statename Mailing Address State Name
    mail_zipcode Mailing Address Zip Code
    mail_countryname Mailing Address Country Name
    alt_id_1 Alternate Id 1
    alt_id_2 Alternate Id 2
    section_township_range Hyphenated Section, Township, and Range from Public Land Survey System (PLSS)
    fld_zone Flood Zone(s)
    zone_subty Flood Zone Subtype(s)
    zoning Zoning
    land_cover Types and corresponding acreages of land cover on the property (from National Land Cover Database (NLCD))
    crop_cover Types and corresponding acreages of crop cover on the property (from USDA Cropland Data Layer (CDL))

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