Lehigh County
Parcel Data
Price: $250.00

Last Updated:
Parcels in County:
Parcel data available to download as a GDB, GeoPackage, Shapefile, Excel, CSV, or Google Earth KML file.
All purchased data comes with six months of access, including any updates, at no additional cost.
Key attribute coverage for Lehigh County
The percentage of Lehigh County parcels containing the following key attributes:
Owner: 100%
Parcel Number: 100%
Acreage (Calculated): 100%
Site Address: 100%
Mailing Address: 100%
All available attributes in Lehigh County
Parcel Number
Site Address
Sale Price
Land Use Code
Land Use Class
Acreage (deeded)
Acreage (calculated)
School District
Zip Code
Flood Zone
Flood Zone Subtype
Census Tract
Census Block Group
Census Block
Total Market Value
Mail Address1
Mail Address2
Mail Address3
Place Gnis Code
Land Cover
Owner Occupied
Robust Id
Usps Residential
Crop Cover
Acreage Adjacent With Sameowner
Municipalities Respresented in Lehigh County
Alburtis Borough: 1,003
Allentown City: 33,886
Catasauqua Borough: 2,420
Coopersburg Borough: 978
Coplay Borough: 1,383
Emmaus Borough: 4,292
Fountain Hill Borough: 1,631
Macungie Borough: 983
Slatington Borough: 1,639
Hanover Township: 587
Heidelberg Township: 1,746
Lower Macungie Township: 10,762
Lower Milford Township: 1,780
Lowhill Township: 1,114
Lynn Township: 2,460
North Whitehall Township: 6,233
Salisbury Township: 5,647
South Whitehall Township: 8,425
Upper Macungie Township: 8,602
Upper Milford Township: 3,541
Upper Saucon Township: 6,183
Washington Township: 3,246
Weisenberg Township: 2,464
Whitehall Township: 9,236
Bethlehem City: 6,208
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