Venango County
Parcel Data
Price: $250.00

Last Updated:
Parcels in County:
Parcel data available to download as a GDB, GeoPackage, Shapefile, Excel, CSV, or Google Earth KML file.
All purchased data comes with six months of access, including any updates, at no additional cost.
Key attribute coverage for Venango County
The percentage of Venango County parcels containing the following key attributes:
Owner: 77.4%
Parcel Number: 99.8%
Acreage (Calculated): 100%
Site Address: 77.4%
Mailing Address: 99.7%
All available attributes in Venango County
Parcel Number
Site Address
Acreage (deeded)
Acreage (calculated)
School District
Zip Code
Flood Zone
Flood Zone Subtype
Census Tract
Census Block Group
Census Block
Map Book
Mail Address1
Mail Address2
Mail Address3
Year Built
Eff Year Built
Addr Sec Unit Type
Place Gnis Code
Land Cover
Owner Occupied
Robust Id
Usps Residential
Alt Id 1
Crop Cover
Acreage Adjacent With Sameowner
Municipalities Respresented in Venango County
Barkeyville Borough: 187
Clintonville Borough: 222
Cooperstown Borough: 248
Franklin City: 3,082
Oil City City: 5,599
Pleasantville Borough: 474
Polk Borough: 264
Rouseville Borough: 341
Sugarcreek Borough: 3,035
Utica Borough: 153
Allegheny Township: 389
Canal Township: 655
Cherrytree Township: 1,095
Clinton Township: 684
Cornplanter Township: 1,663
Cranberry Township: 3,863
Frenchcreek Township: 1,130
Irwin Township: 895
Jackson Township: 655
Mineral Township: 446
Oakland Township: 901
Oil Creek Township: 697
Pinegrove Township: 927
Plum Township: 716
President Township: 984
Richland Township: 618
Sandycreek Township: 1,376
Scrubgrass Township: 963
Victory Township: 478
Rockland Township: 2,270
Emlenton Borough: 509
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