Clark County
Parcel Data
Price: $200.00

Last Updated:
Parcels in County:
Parcel data available to download as a GDB, GeoPackage, Shapefile, Excel, CSV, or Google Earth KML file.
All purchased data comes with six months of access, including any updates, at no additional cost.
Key attribute coverage for Clark County
The percentage of Clark County parcels containing the following key attributes:
Owner: 93.7%
Parcel Number: 93.8%
Acreage (Calculated): 100%
Site Address: 93.7%
Mailing Address: 93.6%
All available attributes in Clark County
Parcel Number
Site Address
Land Use Code
Acreage (deeded)
Acreage (calculated)
School District
Zip Code
Census Block Group
Census Block
Mail Name
Mail Address1
Mail Address3
Legal Desc1
Place Gnis Code
Land Cover
Robust Id
Plss Description
Plss Township
Plss Range
Plss Section
Crop Cover
Acreage Adjacent With Sameowner
Municipalities Respresented in Clark County
Bradley Town: 207
Clark City: 799
Garden City Town: 156
Naples Town: 50
Raymond Town: 152
Vienna Town: 242
Willow Lake City: 305
Washington Township: 208
Collins Township: 240
Rosedale Township: 175
Pleasant Township: 206
Lake Township: 211
Hague Township: 183
Richland Township: 205
Foxton Township: 223
Elrod Township: 295
Merton Township: 195
Day Township: 288
Fordham Township: 173
Darlington Township: 178
Lincoln Township: 224
Eden Township: 208
Mount Pleasant Township: 199
Garfield Township: 209
Raymond Township: 189
Maydell Township: 183
Thorp Township: 187
Cottonwood Township: 247
Woodland Township: 202
Spring Valley Township: 319
Ash Township: 176
Warren Township: 184
Logan Township: 176
Blaine Township: 213
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