Data Store | South Dakota | Day County

Day County

Parcel Data

Price: $200.00
Last Updated:
Parcels in County:
Key attribute coverage for Day County

The percentage of Day County parcels containing the following key attributes:

Owner: 96.4%
Parcel Number: 100%
Acreage (Calculated): 100%
Site Address: 32.9%
Mailing Address: 96.4%

All available attributes in Day County

Parcel Number
Site Address
Acreage (deeded)
Acreage (calculated)
School District
Zip Code
Flood Zone
Census Tract
Census Block Group
Census Block
Mail Address1
Mail Address3
Legal Desc1
Addr Sec Unit Num
Place Gnis Code
Land Cover
Owner Occupied
Robust Id
Usps Residential
Plss Description
Plss Township
Plss Range
Plss Section
Crop Cover
Acreage Adjacent With Sameowner

Municipalities Respresented in Day County

Andover Town: 140
Bristol City: 320
Butler Town: 63
Grenville Town: 127
Lily Town: 83
Pierpont Town: 149
Roslyn Town: 161
Waubay City: 654
Webster City: 1,244
Egeland Township: 259
Wheatland Township: 219
Highland Township: 246
York Township: 220
Troy Township: 220
Oak Gulch Township: 252
Central Point Township: 239
Morton Township: 232
Racine Township: 225
Rusk Township: 267
Webster Township: 407
Butler Township: 225
Kidder Township: 273
Valley Township: 204
Bristol Township: 268
Scotland Township: 197
Waubay Township: 919
Grenville Township: 318
Raritan Township: 265
Lynn Township: 269
Union Township: 219
Andover Township: 421
Kosciusko Township: 801
Nutley Township: 320
Liberty Township: 260
Independence Township: 256
Homer Township: 190
Farmington Township: 163
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